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Bulletin Board & Handout Policy

Bulletin Boards
Flyers, notices and small posters may be submitted to library staff for review and posting on Baxter Memorial Library bulletin boards for civic, educational or cultural programs by non-profit or government entities. Posting of information does not imply library endorsement.
Limited space allows only short-term posting on library bulletin boards for a duration determined by library staff. Explicitly excluded from display are commercial notices of any kind including but not limited to notices of merchandise for sale, rental announcements, and notices of sales at, and other related events sponsored by, for-profit establishments.
Partisan political posters, fliers, and handouts are not permitted on library bulletin boards. In like manner, political signs are not allowed on library property. At the discretion of the Library Director or their designee, materials providing general information on local, state or national issues may be put on library bulletin boards. In addition, local ballots will be posted at the library before each election.
Any item to be posted on library bulletin boards must first be submitted to a library staff person and is subject to approval. Any item posted without following this procedure will be removed.
Electronic Bulletin Boards
Electronic bulletin boards are for library announcements and to publicize or enhance library sponsored or co-sponsored events only. This includes events sponsored by the Friends of Baxter Memorial Library.
Library staff members will develop materials promoting the library and its services. These will be available at various locations throughout the library.
As space permits, other handouts may be provided by non-profit or government entities. All handouts must be made available to the public free of charge. Handouts must be submitted to a library staff person and are subject to approval. The specific placement location of handouts will be left to the discretion of library staff. Any handouts left at the library without following this procedure will be removed. Outdated handouts will be removed by library staff. Handouts may also be removed or relocated at any time at the discretion of library staff in order to suit library needs. Placement of handouts within the library does not imply library endorsement.
Endorsed by the library Board of Trustees 05/01/2003
Adopted by Gorham Town Council 06/03/2003
Revised policy adopted 07/15/2013
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 11/02/2017
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 01/02/2018