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Library Card Policy and Borrowing Rules

The Baxter Memorial Library will issue a free library card representing their library account to all residents and property taxpayers of Gorham (age 5 or older) upon the in-person completion of a library card registration form and the presentation of proper identification and proof of address.
Library cards are issued to those aged 5 and above. Applicants age 5 to 12 require the signature of a parent or legal (court appointed) guardian. A parent or legal guardian of a child who is not yet in school must present a valid library card (as defined in General Rules -- Library Accounts) or proper identification and proof of residency before the child is issued a library card.
Non-resident households may purchase a library card. The non-resident household fee is established by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees, approved by the Town Manager, and periodically reviewed and adjusted. Free library cards may be issued for non-resident patrons under special circumstances, listed later in this policy.
General Rules
As a member of the Minerva Library Consortium, the Baxter Memorial Library follows consortium-wide circulation and cataloging policies as set by the Minerva Executive Board.
A library account is not required to participate in library programs or to use library resources while at the library.Library Accounts
A current library account in good standing is required to check out or renew library materials, as well as to reserve or request materials from other lending libraries. For all in-person transactions associated with a given account, a valid library card or valid photo identification must be presented.
A valid library card is defined as either: 1) the physical card as issued by the Baxter Memorial Library upon patron registration or 2) the digital card as displayed on a mobile device in a format approved by the Baxter Memorial Library. For a list of approved digital formats, please visit our website or speak to a library staff person at the main circulation desk.
To access a library account online or over the phone, the library card number must be provided.
To access or inquire about the status of any other patron's account, including the accounts of children of any age, the card associated with that account is required. No alternative means may be used to access or inquire about the status of another patron's account.
Acceptable Forms of Identification and Proof of Residency
Accepted forms of identification are a valid driver's license or state identification, passport, student identification, or other photo identification with current photo and name. For young adults and children under age 18, school and grade may be used as identification.
Accepted proofs of residency are a valid driver's license or state identification with current address, check book with preprinted address, official mail (utility bill, insurance paperwork, or similar), lease or rental agreement, Gorham Tax List or similar proof of residency. Post Office boxes are not proof of residency. For young adults and children under age 18, school name and grade may be used as proof of residency. If a young adult under the age of 18 is not in school and does not have identification, a piece of current official mail or other proof of residency will be accepted.
A patron with proper identification but not possessing proof of residency may be issued a library card. The library card may be used at the time it is issued but will be revoked if proof of residency is not provided in a reasonable amount of time.
It is the responsibility of the patron to inform the library immediately of change of name or address and/or telephone number. Proof of new address is required.
Library patrons are fully responsible for all items checked out to their library card. By using their library card, or by allowing another person to use their card, the library patron agrees to pay for any damaged or lost items checked out to their card.
Replacement cards
For patrons 18 years and older, valid photo identification is required to replace a library card. Patrons aged 5-18 who do not possess photo identification will be asked by staff to verify personal information in their record. The patron must be present in order for a replacement card to be issued. A nominal fee will be charged for the replacement of a lost library card.
Non-Resident Library Cards
Non-resident households may purchase library card privileges by paying a non-resident fee. This fee is established by the Board of Trustees, approved by the Town Manager, and will be periodically reviewed and adjusted. A household is defined as any and all persons living at the same residence (house or apartment unit). Each household member may be issued their own library card at no extra charge. Non-resident library card privileges expire one year from the date of issue (payment of fee). Positive identification, proof of residency, etc. are required and defined in the same manner as for resident cards. Library cards are issued to those aged 5 and above. Applicants under the age of 13 require the signature of a parent or legal (court appointed) guardian.
Free Non-Resident Library Cards
The following are special circumstances under which non-resident library patrons may be issued free library card privileges:
Non-Resident Employees of the Town of Gorham
Non-resident employees of the Town of Gorham may apply for a free library card. Proper identification and proof of employment with the Town are required. The library card will be issued only to the employee who may choose to share it with family members but who is personally responsible for all items checked out to the library card. The library card may be renewed each year as long as the patron remains employed by the town.
Non-Resident / Exchange students of Gorham Public Schools
Non-resident students and exchange students of Gorham Public Schools may apply for a free library card. The application cards of children (ages 5-12) must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. The library card may be renewed each year as long as the student attends a public school in Gorham.
College Students
A student of the University of Southern Maine (USM) may present their valid student identification to check items out of the Baxter Memorial Library. The student must be in good standing with the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Failure of the USM student to return items borrowed on his or her USM identification or to pay for lost/damaged items he or she borrowed from the Baxter Memorial Library will be reported to the USM library and may result in consequences (i.e.: inability to register for classes, loss of access to transcripts, inability to graduate) at USM.
Non-Resident Directors of Gorham kindergartens, preschools, daycare centers, group homes,
and senior center Activity Directors
These library patrons may apply for a free library card for work related use. These cards may be renewed each year as long the patron is employed in Gorham in one of the positions listed above. The library card is not valid after the patron leaves employment. Proper identification and proof of employment in a position listed above is required. The patron may use their work contact information but must also provide a home address as they are personally responsible for items checked out to their library card.
Additional "special circumstances" free library cards may be issued at the discretion of the Library Director or their designee.
Borrowing Rules
Loan period
All Baxter Memorial Library items circulate for established loan periods which are to be based on, but may differ from, the loan periods established by the Minerva Library Consortium. Library items borrowed via interlibrary loan are subject to applicable Minerva Library Consortium loan rules.
The prompt return of library items ensures that all patrons can continue to use the library's collections. Although Baxter Memorial Library does not charge overdue fines, notices will be sent for items kept past their due dates. Library items more than two weeks overdue will result in a suspension of borrowing privileges until the overdue items are returned.
Loan limits
Patrons may check out up to four (4) video items owned by the Baxter Memorial Library at a time. All other circulating library materials are available on an unlimited basis. Items borrowed through interlibrary loan are subject to applicable Minerva Library Consortium borrowing limits. In order to provide equal access to the collections for all users, it is requested that patrons not check out more than half the available items on a single subject.
Library items may be renewed once by phone, in person or online. Access to an account for renewal of library items is made in the same manner as previously defined in this policy. Items may also be renewed in person or by phone using the barcode numbers of the items to be renewed but doing so does not grant access to the associated library account for any further inquiries or transactions. Renewals are subject to demand; if another patron has placed a reserve on an item, and there are no other available copies in the Minerva catalog, it cannot be renewed
Library materials must be returned to one of Baxter Memorial Library's book drops, either inside or outside the building. Patrons are encouraged not to place items in outside book drops that are blocked or full as the items can be damaged or stolen. Items returned to an outside book drop remain the responsibility of the patron until they are checked back into the library.
Lost or damaged library materials
As a condition of library use, the patron agrees to pay for any lost or damaged library items checked out to their library card. Replacement and/or mending costs are determined by the Library Director or their designee. Once an item is designated as "Replacement Cost Due" or "ILL Paid" (or similar wording), the patron must pay for the item; return of the item will no longer clear any fees that have been assessed. Replacement copies are generally not accepted in lieu of fees but may be presented for review by the Library Director or their designee on a case-by-case basis.
The Baxter Memorial Library is committed to patron confidentiality. The Library's confidentiality policy is on file at the library.
Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 01/12/2006
Adopted by the Gorham Town Council 02/07/2006
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 11/09/2006
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 12/05/2006
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 06/10/2009
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 07/07/2009
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 11/04/2010
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 12/07/2010
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 08/07/2014
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 10/07/2014
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 11/02/2017
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 01/02/2018