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Child Safety Policy

One of Baxter Memorial Library’s primary goals is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children. We encourage Library use by children and young adults.
Children under the age of eight (8) must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver (age 14 or older) at all times while at the Library. Parents or guardians are responsible for providing supervision of their children while their children are at the Library. A Library staff member may not take responsibility for any child at the Library while on duty.
Children under the age of eight (8) may not be left unattended in any part of the Library or Library grounds including the Youth Services Area. This includes when the parent, guardian, or caregiver is using Library computers.
If a child under the age of eight (8) is at the Library unattended, a Library staff member will attempt to locate/contact a parent or guardian and, if unable to do so, will contact the police.
Parents should be aware that Library staff members do not monitor children’s use of the Library including book or movie selection and use of Library computers. Parents are encouraged to read the Library’s Internet Use Policy.
All children must be picked up from the Library prior to closing. If a Library staff member finds that a child under the age of 13 is left at the Library at closing, the staff member will first attempt to contact a parent or guardian and, if unable to do so, will contact the police.
Occasionally, a child or young adult acts inappropriately at the Library. The child or young adult may be asked to leave by a Library staff member. If this happens, the child or young adult will be given the opportunity to call for a ride. In cases of extreme weather, no child or young adult will be turned out into the weather until a staff member has verified that the child or young adult has transportation.
If at any time a Library staff member feels that a patron’s actions pose a threat to the patron or others, the police will be called according to emergency procedures. This is the case regardless of the patron’s age.
Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees November 16, 2005
Adopted by the Gorham Town Council February 7, 2006