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Meeting Room Policy

Meeting Room User Registration Form

The Baxter Memorial Library meeting rooms are available for use by individuals and groups for civic, educational, philanthropic, and recreational purposes. Meeting room use is permitted to individuals and groups regardless of their beliefs or affiliations. Use of meeting rooms for library purposes takes precedence over all other uses.
The meeting rooms shall not be used for entrepreneurial or commercial purposes, for the solicitation of business, for profit or for fundraising (except for fundraising by the library or the Friends of Baxter Memorial Library.) No goods or services shall be promoted, sold, or exchanged upon the premises; or by sample, pictures, or descriptions. Furthermore, solicitations for signatures on petitions are not allowed on library property.
Interpretations of and exceptions to this policy may be made in the best interest of the library at the discretion of the Library Director on behalf of the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees. Any person or group denied use of a meeting room may appeal in writing to the Board of Trustees which will decide the matter at their next regularly scheduled meeting.
Meeting Room use by an individual or group does not constitute or imply an endorsement of its beliefs, policies, or program by any library official. No individual or group shall imply library sponsorship or endorsement in its publicity unless the library is an official sponsor or co-sponsor of the event.
The library's address and telephone number may not be used on behalf of individuals or groups using meeting rooms. In an emergency, a library staff person will bring a telephone message to the meeting room.
Individuals and groups using library meeting rooms shall secure any necessary performance licenses and indemnify the library for any failure on the individual or group's part to do so.
Security & Emergencies
Groups are advised to orient their members to exit routes available in case of an emergency. Groups are required to follow posted procedures, follow staff instructions, and evacuate the building during emergencies and emergency drills.
The library is not responsible for the security of property owned by an individual or group using the meeting room. The library cannot store items for groups using meeting rooms.
Meeting Rooms & Rules of Use
There are two meeting rooms available:
The Schneider Great Room
This room can accommodate programs and groups of up to 49 people. Groups are responsible for ensuring that the maximum capacity for the room is not exceeded.
Groups using the Great Room may arrange the available chairs and tables but must return the Great Room to its original condition. Because the library does not have staff available to set up or break down meeting rooms, groups requiring this service should seek a room elsewhere.
The Grondin Room
This meeting room can accommodate up to eight people. The main purpose of the room is to provide space for tutoring sessions and study groups.
Rules of Use
Groups using library meeting rooms are responsible for leaving the meeting room as they find it. At the discretion of the Library Director, the individual or group using a meeting room will be charged for any damages made to library furnishings, equipment, etc. in the meeting room during their use of it. This includes, but is not limited to, the cost of any special cleaning required after an individual or group's use of a meeting room.
Groups are expected to be in and out of library meeting rooms in the time allotted for their meeting.
Failure to restore a room to its original condition or overstaying allotted time may result in damage charges and the forfeiture of future bookings.
If the library is closed due to inclement weather or an unforeseen emergency, use of the meeting room is automatically canceled. If this happens, as much notice as possible will be given to the group contact person on record with the Library.
Light refreshments may be served but all food and drinks are the complete responsibility of the group using the room. The library does not offer kitchen facilities. No food is to be left in a library meeting room after the completion of a meeting.
Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not allowed on library property.
Hours & Fees
There is no charge for use of the meeting rooms. However, donations to the library are welcomed and appreciated.
Library meeting rooms are only available to outside groups during regular library hours. This policy must be strictly enforced. Groups must finish their meetings and restore meeting rooms to their original condition before the library closes for the day.
Download a PDF copy of the Registration Form here.
Reservations for use of library meeting rooms are made through the Administrative Assistant to the Library Director or their designee. A registration form for a group must be on file before a meeting may be scheduled. By completing and signing the registration form, the groups contact person acknowledges that they have read and understood this policy. It is the responsibility of the group to update the form whenever its contact person changes.
Scheduling procedures are developed, monitored, implemented and revised as needed by the Library Director or their designee.
Policy Changes
This policy may be changed by vote of the Gorham Town Council to meet the changing needs of the library.
Endorsed by the Library Board of Trustees 05/01/2003
Adopted by Gorham Town Council 06/03/2003
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 11/02/2017
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 01/02/2018