Displays | Gift & Donation | Internet Safety | Internet Use | Library Card & Borrowing Rules | Meeting Room | Wireless Access
Wireless Access Policy

The Baxter Memorial Library provides free wireless Internet access for users with portable devices capable of receiving wireless signals. This wireless access will allow users to access the internet from their devices when sitting within range of the access point.
Users are responsible for making sure their computer has the correct settings and necessary hardware. Library staff cannot guarantee users assistance in either configuring their equipment or troubleshooting their devices, nor is any guarantee provided that staff will have the technical expertise or time required to provide any such assistance. Users should refer to their owners' manuals or other support services offered by their device manufacturer. The library cannot guarantee that a user's hardware will work with the library's wireless connection.
As with most public wireless access, the library's wireless connection is not secure. There can be non-trustworthy third parties between the user and anybody with whom the user communicates. Any information being sent or received could potentially be intercepted by another wireless user. Cautious and informed wireless users should not transmit their credit card information, passwords or any other sensitive personal information while using any wireless access point.
The library will not be responsible for any personal information (e.g. credit card numbers) that is compromised, or for any damage caused to wireless access users’ hardware or software due to electrical surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses, hacking, or any other means. All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus and firewall protection on their personal laptop computers or wireless devices.
By choosing to use this free wireless service users agree to abide by Baxter Memorial Library's Internet Use Policy and Internet Safety Policy. These policies are available at the public terminals and the circulation desks.
All users are expected to use the library's wireless access in a legal and responsible manner. Users may not violate federal, state, or local laws. This includes, but is not limited to, the transmission or receiving of child pornography, the commission of fraud, or downloading copyrighted material.
Recommended by the Board of Library Trustees 06/08/2006
Adopted by the Gorham Town Council 07/11/2006
Revisions Recommended by the Baxter Memorial Library Board of Trustees 11/02/2017
Revisions adopted by the Gorham Town Council 01/02/2018